Nono it's not bandage??It's torture! My brother loves to torture my dog.
That day when i was still in my hometown, my sister called from KL asked me to bring up some body combat stuff for her. So Mission for my brother : find out where are the stuff and pass to me. In the bag where my sister kept all her body combat stuff, he found this bandage looks alike thingy. He can't help to play with it, on himself and Amos. sweat!!!!!
See my poor boy...
WALAOOOOOOOOO that 死猪杨, $%^&%*&^%$%@#$^!^$!
but damn cool and creative an idea!!!!
lol....yalah so cool of him..beh tahan
kakakakakaka......or else how he can be ur brother leh!
sweat -_______- your brother really geng..
heya!send this to STAR,bound to the winner of the day!keke
amos must be vry honoured of this, no other puppy gets to wear such cool outfit...or be wrapped this way....trendy isnt it keke
but his face looks innocent tht is the funny part!
u send to STar for me lah. whats the email or mms no already?keke
Omg, poor Amos!
best regards
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